We showcase how the Equal Experts IceBreaker cards can be used in a digital setting for team building and formation activities.
May 28, 2020https://www.equalexperts.com/blog/whats-new/adapting-working-patterns-at-hmpo-during-lockdown/Adapting working patterns at HMPO during lockdownHow the DAP team at HMPO have made the transition from remote-friendly to remote-first working patterns during the lockdown
April 22, 2020https://www.equalexperts.com/blog/remote-first/creating-a-family-charter/Creating a Family CharterWe took most of the basic concepts related to setting up a team charter, applied them to working at home as a family and created a Family Charter
April 20, 2020https://www.equalexperts.com/blog/remote-first/3-simple-tips-for-remote-engineering-teams/3 Simple Tips for Remote Engineering TeamsSimple and practical tips for remote working which some of our teams have learned over the years.
April 20, 2020https://www.equalexperts.com/blog/remote-first/setting-up-an-engagement-with-a-remote-first-mindset/Setting up an engagement with a remote-first mindsetSetting up for success and carrying out a discovery with a remote-first mindset connecting team members scattered across the globe.
April 8, 2020