HM Passport Office wins at the Civil Service Awards!

Congratulations to HM Passport Office (HMPO’s) Digital Application Processing team for winning the Best Use of Data and Technology category of the Civil Service Awards!

HMPO’s Digital Application Processing (DAP) service has transformed passport application processing.  Built in-house, the project has co-designed a caseworking system with its users, achieving significant speed and quality improvements through digitisation and automation.  It is now processing over 80% of all passport applications.

DAP uses a cloud-based storage solution to break the link between the paperwork provided by 6.5 million citizens annually, and where their application is actually processed.  For the first time, casework can be distributed to any passport office on demand.  In future, it will eliminate more requirements for paper by linking directly to the General Register Office.

We are delighted to have worked with HMPO on this project for the past 6 years and look forward to continuing our collaboration as we move to a world where DAP is processing 100% of all applications.

Congratulations again to the entire team of civil servants, other suppliers, and Equal Experts consultants for exemplary work that has made a remarkable difference for UK nationals when applying for their passports.

A well deserved win for all!

We are absolutely delighted that Pret A Manger has won the Best Overall DevOps Project – Retail Sector category at the DevOps Industry Awards.

In 2019, before the pandemic, Pret had ambitious plans for growth. With a strong brand identity, but limited digital capability to interact with customers, or to understand their needs, Pret knew it was time not just to play catch up, but to leapfrog the competition.

​​Pret needed to implement a digital strategy which allowed for both a deeper understanding of their customers, and the ability to build a loyal customer base through ongoing engagement. This required a step change in their approach to digital innovation.

Working with the Pret team and taking lessons learned from building digital platforms at other organisations, Equal Experts and Pret devised a digital platform strategy that would accelerate delivery across multiple digital products. A platform team leveraged cloud tooling such as GCP Cloud Run, GCP Cloud Monitoring, and GitHub Actions to build a bespoke PaaS for Pret.  

I’ve found that investing in a digital platform when building Pret’s digital capability reduced duplication of effort, baked in continuous delivery and operability principles, and lightened the cognitive load needed for teams to build and run a digital service. It has enabled Pret to continuously deliver high-quality services right from the start. Ross Pyres, Global Head of Technology, Pret A Manger

During the early stages of the pandemic, the number of deployments ramped up quickly. In the first year of work on the first digital proposition, there were between 3-4,000 deployments. The best estimates predict that by the end of 2021, the total number of deployments since 2020 will be in excess of 10,000.

These numbers have been achieved in large part by radically reducing the lead time to production. This focus on reducing lead times has allowed Pret to sustain their ability to innovate and launch a number of new digital propositions to engage customers.

Well done to all the finalists and winners and thanks to the DevOps Industry Awards for a great event!