Our introductory guide explains how adopting MLOps can help organisations to develop, deploy and manage machine learning (ML) models at scale, helping solve the problem of AI projects that don’t get off the starting blocks.
May 5, 2022https://www.equalexperts.com/blog/tech-focus/ive-spent-1million-on-data-scientists-why-arent-i-seeing-a-return-on-my-investment/Only 15% of data projects that use AI will deliver the expected ROI. Here’s how to build data projects at scale that will drive transformation and higher returns.
April 26, 2022https://www.equalexperts.com/blog/our-thinking/haystack-a-deep-learning-based-question-answering-framework/Haystack: A deep learning-based question-answering frameworkHaystack is a deep, learning-based question-answering framework. Here, Simon Case gives a quick, subjective evaluation of the tool to see what it can do.
September 1, 2021https://www.equalexperts.com/blog/our-thinking/what-is-data-governance/Data Governance is a key challenge for many IT leaders – but what is it?Our analysis has shown that client interest in data governance is motivated by a wide range of reasons. Here we analyse survey results, discussions with clients and our own experiences to understand better how to talk with IT leaders who see data governance as a challenge.
April 23, 2021https://www.equalexperts.com/blog/our-thinking/the-business-evolution-map-part-4-domo-arigato-mr-roboto/The Business Evolution Map, Part 4 – Domo Arigato Mr RobotoIndustry is struggling to cope with the sudden absence of people from essential processes, and automation is forefront in their minds.
May 1, 2020