
How to Manage Multiple Test Environments in a Hyperconnected Cloud World

Event Date:

Mar 8, 2022


Abraham Marin-Perez

Software developer, author, consultant


Event Description

The advent of the cloud came to give us testing superpowers: one properly configured Kubernetes file and one can easily spin up a bunch of Docker containers that faithfully represent the production environment.

However, with ease of use comes abuse, and the proliferation of test environments is beginning to be a real headache to many organisations, both in terms of management and cost.

I have suffered this first hand, and from my experience at the trenches a number of strategies have materialised: universal feature flags, meta-automation, and test environment rationalisation.

These techniques will allow you detect when you have overlapping and superfluous testing efforts, introducing the opportunity for cost savings, all while making sure your suite of tests environments remains flexible enough so as to take into account the different needs at different development stages.

With these strategies you’ll feel confident that your test environments give you what you need, but no more.


This talk takes place at:
6pm GMT
8pm SAST
1pm ET (US)


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