software engineering to data engineering with… Claudio Diniz

In the next in his series about demystifying data engineering, Claudio Diniz covers, among other things, the skills a data engineer must have that a software engineer usually won’t.

December 14, 2021 software engineering to data engineering with… Scott Cutts

How Scott Cutts accidentally transferred from being a software engineer to a data engineer, and experiences of being in data engineering.

December 7, 2021 software engineering to data engineering with…Paul Brabban

What exactly is a data engineer? Demystifying data engineering to encourage more software engineers to become one.

December 2, 2021 book: Functional Programming in Kotlin

If you’re up for a challenge and want to learn some solid Functional Programming principles, grab yourself a copy of Functional Programming in Kotlin by Marco Vermeulen and join in the fun!

October 4, 2021 reasons why banks & finance should embrace event driven architectureAugust 31, 2021 driven architecture: the good, the bad, and the uglyJuly 9, 2021 Forms: They blew my survey out of the water and I loved it!

What I built was good; it was hard to run, required a lot of manual effort but got the result I needed. Almost everything I did manually UX Forms can do for you

November 12, 2020 I created a mobile App to help you find where to Eat Out to Help Out

Converting a website to a mobile App – contrasting the different concerns that arise between native mobile development and web development.

August 14, 2020 fronting and the risk of transparent proxiesApril 25, 2019