Aligning You Build It You Run It with the cultural traits and motivations of your software development teams can be crucial to success.
January 17, 2023 Terhorst-North explains why CUPID is important to software engineersWhat are the principles of CUPID engineering, and what happens if those principles aren’t in place? Equal Experts gathers the experts to discuss the impact of CUPID on software engineering outcomes.
November 30, 2022 to capture learning from a Chaos DaySuccessfully completing a Chaos Day is only part of the story. How can organisations ensure they capture, understand and apply the knowledge gained from chaos engineering? Here are our top tips.
November 29, 2022 things to consider when selecting an operating model for a digital serviceThe operating model you select should be chosen based on the unique requirements of each digital service. So, what do you assess to determine the ideal operating model?
November 17, 2022 reasons developers won’t embrace You Build It You Run It (and how to overcome them)Like anything that offers genuine growth and value, You Build It You Run It can come with preconceived challenges from skeptics. Here’s how to overcome them.
November 15, 2022 to prepare for a Chaos DayChaos Days should be built around unpredictable – and chaotic – events. But behind the scenes it’s important to make sure everyone is prepared to make the most of your event.
November 15, 2022 Common Mistakes to Avoid at your Chaos DayOrganisations can spend months planning Chaos Days with the aim of building system resilience. But these 5 common mistakes can unravel even the most carefully planned chaos experiments. Read on to find out how to avoid or overcome them.
November 1, 2022 to run a Chaos Day: 4 vital stepsChaos Days are a useful way to put chaos engineering in the spotlight, and test your distributed IT systems. A successful Chaos Day demands the right planning, execution and resources. Today we’re sharing four key steps to help your next chaos event run smoothly.
October 20, 2022 things you should know about being a Front End Developer at Equal ExpertsBronwin Welcome joined Equal Experts in October 2020 as a front end developer. She’s sharing her experience and what makes EE different from other organisations, starting with its culture and the quality of its people and projects.
October 12, 2022