Scary Don’ts for Web Performance (and How to Address Them)

A list of 5 do’s and don’ts which can help you navigate the landscape of web performance, ensuring that your site not only loads faster, but also delivers an exceptional user experience that can significantly impact your success in the online marketplace.

October 24, 2023 a patch culture is important

Updates and patching are close to my heart. Having spent over ten years in policing where you are often too late to the party, I’m a huge advocate of the philosophy that prevention is better than cure.

October 16, 2023 should be in an incident reviewOctober 6, 2023 I have learned from 100 Coffees in 2023

At the end of 2022 I set myself the goal of, in the year ahead, having coffee with 100 people. This was driven by a few factors.

September 25, 2023 to have coffee

At the end of 2022, Matt Ballantine launched into an experiment called 100 Coffees. He set a target to have 100 hour-long conversations with people over the course of 2023 without an agenda, or really much idea why other than to see what happened. This guide draws on Matt’s experiences to see how you might be able to bring a bit more serendipity into your own working life.

September 18, 2023 to Use Large Language Models (LLMs) safely and securely

Late in 2022, ChatGPT made its debut and dramatically changed the world. Within 5 days, it had reached 1 million users – an unprecedented adoption rate for any consumer application since the dawn of the Internet. Since then, many companies have started to think much bigger about what AI could mean for their customers and the wider world.

September 13, 2023 now is the time to invest in web performance

When budgets are under pressure, making even modest improvements to web performance can drive significant improvements in conversion and sales for ecommerce retailers. Here’s how to get started.

September 5, 2023 as a technical practice

Enablement in a software development team involves creating an environment in which developers of varying levels of experience can work productively together, while each increasing their own level of technical ability. Seeing enablement as a technical practice can help lay the foundations of efficient delivery; Martin Rixham explains how enablement can be approached to maximise delivery and learning outcomes.

August 23, 2023 psychological safety is not

Psychological safety in the workplace is talked about a lot, but it’s rare to find it working in practice. Misunderstandings lead to nerves around embracing psych safety, so this post aims to bust myths and give you the confidence to adopt more psychologically safe working practices.

August 21, 2023