Trust & Safety Hackathon: Key Insights from Julia WilsonDecember 8, 2023 super funds need to embrace event-driven architecture to deliver more for their membersDecember 5, 2023 Experts Australia and New Zealand gains LaunchDarkly platinum partner accreditationNovember 28, 2023 I learned comparing 14 superannuation mobile apps and being caught in a data leakNovember 23, 2023 mode survey confirms traditional solutions just don’t workNovember 17, 2023 do we expect from businesses during IT disasters?November 14, 2023 many data engineers do I need for my data scientists?November 6, 2023 superannuation funds are embracing technology to help families proactively prepare for retirementWomen in Australia are retiring with 24% less in their superannuation retirement fund than men due to the gender pay gap, maternity leave and the demands of raising a family. Equal Experts is working with superannuation fund providers to address this by creating an integration to make it easier for members to proactively update their super details.
October 30, 2023 Spooky Software Monsters To Avoid All Year RoundDo not fear – you’re in for a ‘treat’ as today, we’ll be looking at some common monsters in the software world, and what we can do to tame them.
October 30, 2023