Strategy and the Secure Delivery Playbook

Our Secure Delivery Playbook (SDP) focuses on core principles and practices that ensure cybersecurity is efficiently and effectively addressed within continuous delivery.

January 14, 2020 Data Science and UX Design to Create Data-Driven User Personas

Our work highlights how Data Science can bolster insights from UX design, leading to an end product more useful than using either technique in isolation.

January 8, 2020 Headwinds

Changing Headwinds is a simple guide we created to help our customers in the United States adapt to the rapid pace of change in tech and human behaviour.

December 9, 2019 Working PlaybookDecember 2, 2019 the Secure Delivery PlaybookSeptember 24, 2019 state of mobile development in NYCSeptember 20, 2019 we cultivate Slack to help us communicate betterSeptember 20, 2019 or navy? The empowerment of teams and the decentralisation of decision makingSeptember 18, 2019 serverless effectMarch 25, 2019