In the many areas where #flattenthecurve and #stayhome are working, a new reality is settling in. Now that business has shut down, how do we start it back up?
May 26, 2020 vs offshore – 5 traits of a remote-first teamTo fully embrace the remote-first mindset in your organisation, what matters are traits and working practices used rather than where people are physically located
May 19, 2020 Business Evolution Map, Part 4 – Domo Arigato Mr RobotoIndustry is struggling to cope with the sudden absence of people from essential processes, and automation is forefront in their minds.
May 1, 2020 Simple Tips for Remote Engineering TeamsSimple and practical tips for remote working which some of our teams have learned over the years.
April 20, 2020 Business Evolution Map, Part 3 – Rise of the AvatarThe real answer to unpredictable change, if you have the scale to achieve it, is to maintain diversity of offering, and build flexibility into your processes.
April 17, 2020 we made up our own minds about ZoomOur opinion of Zoom is informed first and foremost by our threat model.
April 17, 2020 Business Evolution Map, Part 2 – A fascinating journey, explainedTo explain the Map we’d like to share a journey with you
April 9, 2020 Business Evolution Map, Part 1 – Dealing with disruptionThe Business Evolution Map is a unique tool from the Equal Experts Strategic Advisory Practice to bring predictability to the apparently unpredictable and deal with disruption
April 7, 2020 Evolution, Part 4: The Bet Canvas – Nothing ventured, nothing gainedPlacing bets allows your organisation to test which interventions will improve business outcomes, at minimum risk.
April 2, 2020