what is a Digital Platform anyway?

What is a Digital Platform? Everything you need to know is here. Discover how it allows you to be competitive, rapidly explore new product offerings and exploit established products.

November 9, 2020 do animated ants explain the ‘Second Product Syndrome’?

Second products fail because organisations do not adequately understand the reasons why the first product was a success. How can we do better?

November 3, 2020 delivery through building Digital Platforms

This playbook is to help you and your colleagues build a Digital Platform together. It’s for everyone in your organisation, not just developers & engineers

October 22, 2020 of the future

Does your organisation prize creativity, innovation, and diversity? We have a vision of workspaces of the future that you might like to speak to us about. 

October 20, 2020 expert tips for making great web forms

Designing effective web forms: the three issues most commonly found, why they matter, and three tips for how they can best be avoided

October 15, 2020 a great digital product owner: the art of prioritisation and saying no

What happened when we brought four experts together to discuss what it takes to be a great digital product owner with Thames Water staff

October 8, 2020 Idea to Value – a simple way to solve a complex problem

Video and article helping you proceed quickly and reliably from idea to value, optimising the time between having an idea and realising value from that idea 

October 5, 2020 I learned that marketing a website (even if it is really useful) is surprisingly hard

This is the story of what happened after my site launched, how I failed to make a dent at marketing and that it is all about how many followers you have

September 24, 2020 I created a mobile App to help you find where to Eat Out to Help Out

Converting a website to a mobile App – contrasting the different concerns that arise between native mobile development and web development.

August 14, 2020