we ended up creating language agnostic data pipelines for our customers at Equal Experts

Two tools to create a language agnostic data pipelines architecture that can be easily reused and adapted in multiple cases and for different clients plus a public reference implementation of this architecture

July 12, 2021 driven architecture: the good, the bad, and the uglyJuly 9, 2021’s the difference between a Data Scientist and a Data Engineer?

Data and analytics are critical to business operations, so it’s important to understand the differences between a Data Scientist and a Data Engineer within your organisation

June 30, 2021 pitfalls of data pipeline projects, and how to avoid them

Our experience has taught us that building data pipelines can be complex, especially if you are new to them. Here are some of the pitfalls we’ve come across when building data pipelines in partnership with clients. It’s our hope it will help you to navigate them in the future.

June 23, 2021 more practices that will ensure a successful data pipeline project

Data and analytics are critical to business operations, so it’s important to engineer and deploy strong and maintainable data pipelines. Here are some of the essential practices we recommend you follow to achieve this.

June 16, 2021 essential practices of data pipelines

Here we introduce six of the practices you should follow when creating data pipelines. From how to use raw data to starting with a steel thread, applying these practices will allow you to integrate new data sources faster at a higher quality.

June 10, 2021 it Time to Rethink… “Data is the New Oil”?

As concerns grow over NHS Digital’s plans to share patient data, now is the perfect time to read David Cox’s article on how organisations and individuals can ensure effective ‘data guardianship’.

June 8, 2021 ‘must have’ key principles of data pipeline projects

Pipelines bring data from important business sources. To endure for a long time, these will always need to follow a few simple key principles to ensure they are fit for purpose. Here are our six key principles for adoption.

May 27, 2021 to evolve a client’s data strategy solution to provide more business benefits than ever before

Could a Data Health Check be valuable to evolve your existing data strategy? Discover how a mass media and entertainment conglomerate in the US used it to provide more benefits than ever before.

May 19, 2021