If you’re currently working with a monolith—and many private enterprise and public sector organisations are—then you may not realise the limitations of your architecture.
September 7, 2021https://www.equalexperts.com/blog/our-thinking/data-tips-the-data-warehouse/Data tips – the data warehouseWhatever your role, you might come into contact with a data warehouse at some point. They’re incredibly powerful tools that are frequently ignored or used in ways that cause problems. This post contains tips for handling data in your data warehouse effectively.
September 7, 2021https://www.equalexperts.com/blog/our-thinking/haystack-a-deep-learning-based-question-answering-framework/Haystack: A deep learning-based question-answering frameworkHaystack is a deep, learning-based question-answering framework. Here, Simon Case gives a quick, subjective evaluation of the tool to see what it can do.
September 1, 2021https://www.equalexperts.com/blog/our-thinking/6-reasons-why-banks-finance-should-embrace-event-driven-architecture/6 reasons why banks & finance should embrace event driven architectureAugust 31, 2021https://www.equalexperts.com/blog/our-thinking/using-future-backwards-to-help-an-early-stage-company-plan-their-strategy-beyond-the-pandemic/Using ‘Future Backwards’ to Help an Early-Stage Company Plan their Strategy Beyond the PandemicStrategic planning beyond the pandemic is a challenge for any organisation. This post shares the story of how the ‘Future Backwards’ technique helped a rapidly growing, early-stage Accounting firm plan their next steps into the unknown with clarity and confidence.
August 23, 2021https://www.equalexperts.com/blog/our-thinking/is-it-time-to-rethink-low-hanging-fruit/Is it Time to Rethink… “Low-hanging Fruit”?The next time you find yourself chasing a ‘quick win’ take a moment to ask yourself: am I in danger of pursuing the wrong thing, in the wrong way, for the wrong reason? Or, to put it another way, is this piece of low-hanging fruit quite as delicious as it looks?
August 17, 2021https://www.equalexperts.com/blog/our-thinking/four-myths-of-digital-transformation-and-how-event-driven-architecture-can-help/Four myths of digital transformation. And how event-driven architecture can helpAugust 11, 2021https://www.equalexperts.com/blog/our-thinking/tech-leaders-discover-why-going-back-to-the-office-isnt-going-to-work/Tech leaders–discover why going back to the office isn’t going to workIf you work in the tech sector, you’re probably thinking about your back to the office plans. Here we share research that will help you understand how to ensure you have happy, functional and productive teams.
August 4, 2021https://www.equalexperts.com/blog/our-thinking/how-to-avoid-sunk-cost-fallacy-in-software-projects/How to avoid sunk cost fallacy in software projectsDo you find yourself pursuing a software delivery path, even when you know it’s not working? It’s the Sunk Cost Fallacy and here you can find out how to avoid it.
July 21, 2021