Find out why Zombie Bias tells you more about your team’s morale and productivity than the traditional view of survivorship bias in software engineering. And what you can do to combat it.
August 23, 2022 you’re involved in design you probably know about the Double Diamond process. But, is that the end of the story? This article completes the model, taking you from ambition to market in a repeatable entrepreneurial cycle.
August 16, 2022 more about the benefits cloud providers can offer to make big data easier to manage.
July 21, 2022’s most successful organisations are fast and flexible. They can deploy new features for digital services to meet rapidly evolving customer demands and market opportunities. They capitalise on first-mover advantage and sustain innovation: improving digital services incrementally through weekly—or even daily—deployments.
June 28, 2022 to a Fortune 1000 study, a critical application failure costs an average of $500,000 to $1m per hour. Luckily, with some structural changes to the way you support digital services, you can protect against the massive consequences—for both cost and reputation—caused by unplanned downtime. By structuring your team to adopt the You Build It You Run It operating model, you can add a crucial layer of protections and promote greater service reliability, while accessing a huge range of other valuable benefits.
June 20, 2022 a wide range of stakeholders, the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (also known as Austrade) delivers services to grow Australia’s economic prosperity. To support the team in their excellent work, I was happy to deliver a brief presentation on the importance and value of data pipelines. Here are some of the key points that seemed to resonate throughout the presentation.
June 15, 2022 post shares our journey, mindset and appreciation for the open-source community engaging in small projects such as getting unit testing in dbt from an experiment to an open-source framework. Here’s how we did it:
May 16, 2022 categorise compute products such as K8s and Lambda into generic types, show how they impact TCO, and visualise the maintenance you commit to when you pick a product.
May 11, 2022 your product team finding secure delivery a challenge? Download our secure delivery playbook to identify the top 5 security pitfalls in continuous development, and how to avoid them.
April 28, 2022