’s it like to be a developer at Equal Experts?

Our senior developers describe the practices they use in their job with Equal Experts. If this is up your street, get in touch now.

February 18, 2022 Q&A with EvolvE consultant Natalia Oskina

Growing talent from within: How Equal Experts’ EvolvE programme is helping mid-level developers to fast-track their careers

January 13, 2022 busy year – in numbers

We’ve had a busy 2021 at Equal Experts. Here’s a snapshot of how the year looked for us. Thanks to everyone for your hard work and dedication – we wouldn’t have achieved all this without our fantastic employees, associates and customers. Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, have a great break – here’s to a happy and healthy 2022!

December 21, 2021 Experts sponsors learnerships in South Africa

Tackling youth unemployment in South Africa: how Equal Experts is filling a skills gap through Web developer learnership programmes for disadvantaged students.

December 9, 2021 Slack tips–12 things you may not know about Slack

Think you know Slack? Here are some Slack pro tips you might not be using that could boost your productivity.

November 2, 2021 Burnout

Avoiding burnout: If you’ve ever felt like your working life is an exhausting treadmill, with more and more things added every day to your ‘to do’ list, and your diary is packed with meetings, check out this video.

June 10, 2021 Equal Experts Walkathon 2021: We did it!

The results are in for the Equal Experts Walkathon 2021. Collectively we walked the equivalent of 2.5 laps of the world and raised £40,130 for charity. Full details here:

June 3, 2021 I would walk 33,094 miles…

The Equal Experts Walkathon 2021 is currently in full swing with over 500 members of our network including customers, friends and family taking part – of whom 180 are from Pret a Manger. Money is being raised for five charities including the The Pret Foundation. We’ve already done one lap of the world and are aiming for three.

May 17, 2021 Experts South Africa Gives Back

Equal Experts South Africa is contributing to “levelling the playing field” by giving donations to orphanages and sponsoring IT learnerships

July 15, 2020