
EE ANZ – Your Digital Transformation isn’t Digital or Transformation, and will probably fail

Expert Talks Online

Event Date:

Aug 13, 2020


David Cox


Event Description

Using a range of real-life examples, this Expert Talk explores the following ideas and questions:
Not all change is transformation – and too much change, too quickly, is a recipe for failure not success.

Digital is a means, not an end – Successful strategies are built around solving valuable problems that differentiate you in the market.

Most transformations fail – Why? People are too busy and too scared of the unknown to readily accept the new. Many organisations make the mistake of emphasising the size of the transformation, to bounce colleagues out of a rut. This tends to mean failure through resistance.

Why are people so busy and resistant to change? In this age of amazing technological advancements at work, incredible efficiencies have been made possible. Why aren’t we working 15 hour weeks?

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All business models have their pros and cons. But, when you consider the type of problems we help our clients to solve at Equal Experts, it’s worth thinking about the level of experience and the best consultancy approach to solve them.


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